Crazy4art4u is officially moved as of today. You will now find me at my new blog with a whole new look. Please join me in the next step in my continuing adventure of art and life in the country!

20 April 2010

New Discoveries

Well, my walk and photo taking didn't work out - the weather turned ugly and cold so I scrapped the project for when a little warmer weather arrives. If you follow my blog you know I have been discussing the meaning and reasons for our making art and I guess this new topic falls somewhat in that category. I just discovered a really wonderful artist - Sharon Tomlinson who paints stunning faces. Now if you have looked over my blog nowhere will you find my mentioning my interest in painting...until now. Sharon's work has so inspired me, and of course I guess I am in the right place in my art right now to be receptive to this type of change but I can't wait to take her "Faces" class. Don't worry, I am not completely jumping off the cliff and have visions of this tying into my handmade books, which I have forsaken all my other mediums for, at least for now. I  have just been stuck, feeling a need to expand my handmade book vision and I think this is it. Just so you can see what I am talking about above is a picture of one of Sharon's recent pieces called "Flying"... absolutely amazing! So look for more posts as my work in this class progresses...Oh and if you are interested here is a link to her class offering
Ciao for now,

1 comment:

  1. I think everything you do can be tied together artistically if you are willing to open your mind to it. I have found Sharon's class to be a huge inspiration for me. So much so that I am letting go of many of my pursuits in favor of narrowing down my focus to just painting and collage for now!
